dilluns, 21 de maig del 2012

Writing unit 9 - Write an email to an internet forum


    a) PROBLEMS. Young people spend all their time hanging around on the       street. There are sometimes problems with vandalism ang graffiti.

    b) SOLUTION. A youth café
    c) CAUSES. There isn't anywhere for young people to go. There aren't any facilities for them. 
    d) MY AREA. South London. 

My name's Paula Corominas and I live in South London in England. I like the area where I live, so I want to improve it. 
In my opinion there isn't anywhere for young people to go anf there aren't any facilities for them. As a result, young people spend all their time hanging around on the street. There are sometimes problems with vandalism and graffiti. I think the cocucil should do something about this. I'm sure they must have some land which local people can use for a youth café. 

Paula Corminas. 

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