dijous, 9 de juny del 2011

Healthy Habits.

  • To miss ....... trobar a faltar
  • Research.......recerca
  • Fuel..........combustible
  • Junk food.........(comida basura)
  • Nutrients.......nutriens
  • Dairy food.......menjar de cada dia

Ex 3.
  • Tony is very disappointed. Why? Becose he's not at dameted
  • What's his problem and how can he solve it? He nit's more exesice and eating proebely. 

Ex 4.
Go to "Food and Fuel" and find out where the body gets its fuel from.
The body from nutrients, food and drinks.

Ex 5. 
Now thet you know where the fuel comes from, draw a food pyramid in which we can distinguish the five food groups and the correct proportions we should eat.

Food Facs - The Balance of good Health
Find the nutrients

Fruts and vegetables - Vitamins and minerals
Meet and fish - Protein
Food conteinig fat and suger - Fats
Milk and diary foods - Clcium
Bret, cereals and potatoes - Carbonydrates.


Is your diet healthy? 
Yes, but I do not like vegetables and some fruits. But always good to eat a little of everythin

1.  Can you find healthy recipe? 
Rick Stein shows how to make the ultimate meringue in this simple eight-step recipe.
Meringues with clotted cream and strawberries



Preparation method

  1. Preheat the oven to 150C/300F/Gas 2.
  2. Put the egg whites into a large clean bowl and add 110g/4oz of the sugar. Whisk together into soft peaks.
  3. Then, continuing to whisk, gradually add another 110g/4oz of sugar, a spoonful at a time, until the mixture forms stiff peaks.
  4. Gently fold in the remaining sugar.
  5. Shape 20 large spoonfuls of the meringue onto 2 baking sheets lined with non-stick baking paper and bake in the oven for 15 minutes.
  6. Lower the oven temperature to 110C/225F/Gas ¼ and cook for a further 2-3 hours until very crisp and dry.
  7. Leave to cool, then store in an air tight tin.
  8. Serve with the clotted cream and strawberries

2. What are the 10 tips to keep you fit and healthy?
  1. Start your day with breakfast.
  2. Get Moving!
  3. Snack smart.
  4. Work up a sweat.
  5. Balance your food choices — don’t eat too much of any one thing.
  6. Get fit with friends or family. 
  7. Eat more grains, fruits and vegetables.
  8. Join in a physical activities at school.
  9. Foods aren’t good or bad.
  10. Make healthy eating and physical activities fun!